JT wrote: 🕐 02-15-24 16:41Just wanted to update you on the new Featured Photographer section of the site.
Every now and then a photographer comes along that demonstrates great talent in his or her photography. The featured Photographer section allows us to view these selected photographers and their work.
Please take some time and browse their [url=featured]Photos[/url] for some amazing work.
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JT wrote: 🕐 01-17-25 23:35If you want your photos to be rated, go to your dashboard and under account settings, select allow rating.
Doing so will allow members to rate your photo between 1 and 5 stars.
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bajanexile wrote: 🕐 09-10-24 09:24Jorge. I was notified by email that there is a post under one of my images, but I can't seem to see or find anything. How do I read the message?
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JT wrote: 🕐 12-18-24 17:05Switch the dark theme to a more widely accepted colors pallet for photo galleries.
Let me know what you think.
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JT wrote: 🕐 03-28-24 09:47For all of you that have made a donation / subscription to the site, I wanted to say thank you very much for your support. It really helps keep the site going and I want you to know I am very appreciative.
Thank you,
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JT wrote: 🕐 02-19-24 09:55Long overdue.
After many years, It was time to create a mobile version of the gallery site. Having said that, you can now browse the gallery software from your mobile device with a better presentation.
Keep in mind, mobile version has some limitations due to so much content on the site. But, the basic functionality is there.
You can always switch between Desktop and Mobile version by clicking on the Computer or Phone icon located on the top menu.
This has been carried over to all the sister sites as well
Please report any issues so I can try and resolve them.
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pentaxpete wrote: 🕐 01-23-24 02:43I have searched and searched to find a 'Comment Box' and the 'Technical Details' of photos on this and all the other Family of Sites and only this morning found out HOW ! When you open the 'Photos' section look at a snap and on Bottom RIGHT there are some horizontal Stripes - click on those and a Box comes up for Comments and another bit where you can read the Technical Details so now I can 'Comment' on a few and hope I in turn get 'Comments' as I take AGES typing in all the Details !
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JT wrote: 🕐 01-03-24 13:40We have a winner.
The 2023 Zeiss / Zeissimages contest has come to an end and a winner has been selected.
This year, we had the great honor of having the photos judged by professional photographer Andrew Innerarity.
Andrew has been a staff photographer for media giants such as The Houston Chronicle, Miami Herald, St petersburg Times just to name a few and has traveled the world on photographic assignments. With that said, Andrew has chosen the photo titled "Holy Light" as this year's winning photograph.
The photograph exhibits properties in composition, lighting and subject isolation while keeping the entire frame interesting and engaging.
A big congrats to the winner Jochen Bongaerts www.zeissimages.com/member/6155
Please take a moment to view the photo and leave your comments here www.zeissimages.com/photo/3000340
Thank you all for your participation and we look forward to the next contest!
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JT wrote: 🕐 01-02-24 12:24The contest is now closed. A winner will be chosen soon.
Thank you for your participation.
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f1reverb wrote: 🕐 11-23-23 23:58I come from a background in photojournalism where a photograph submitted for publishing is compared to the original source to see if the photograph has been manipulated into a photo-illustration. What is the definition of a photograph for the contest? Straight out of the camera, minor editing or anything goes? Just curious.
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elfranco wrote: 🕐 11-10-23 06:04I'm lost...where exactly do I find the link to upload my pictures for the contest..and I couldn't find anything in the rules about
the min. and max. size of an uploaded file.
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JT wrote: 🕐 11-09-23 22:33A fine arts section has been added to the classifieds which allows you to post your artwork for sale. The quick search is available from the top menu under [b]Market[/b].
This is free to use for our members.
Since this is a new feature, maybe you can be the first to post your art for sale here.
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JT wrote: 🕐 11-07-23 20:51Greetings.
The comments section has been a little slow lately. I remember when comments where plenty on a daily basis. But maybe things are changing on the web these days. I like to comment but tend to hold off during contest time so I do not show any favoritism. Regardless, would love to see what people think of the photos and the best way is to leave comments.
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-08-23 17:45Please let us know how you found out about Zeissimages. It helps us understand where we are getting exposure.
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sevenm wrote: 🕐 10-29-23 18:56I tried looking for a few lenses to add to my list of lenses. I couldn't find what I was looking for and I couldn't find a way of adding them to my list. How do you go about adding a lens that is currently not listed?
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-25-23 17:02Here is one of my favorites
Show us yours.
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JT wrote: 🕐 10-22-23 19:13I am so stoked about the new ZF. I can't wait for my ZF in black to arrive. I think this will be one of those game changing cameras in todays digital world. So much so that today I have created nikon-zf.com just for the ZF series cameras.
I am jealous of those who have theirs already. Otherwise, I would be posting my own ZF pictures. So. I humbly ask that if you own a ZF and wouldn't mind sharing a few pictures on www.nikon-zf.com please do. This is day 1 and there is nothing for me to share yet .
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JT wrote: 🕐 10-10-23 16:15If you are a blogger, reviewer or run a store that sells camera lenses consider becoming a sponsor and taking advantage of the crosslink feature.
The crosslink features lets you direct traffic to your site specific page based on the lens you cross link. For example, if you wrote a review or are blogging about the Zeiss 50mm Makro Planar you would create a crosslink to your page about the lens. When someone views a photo taken with linked lens, they will see an info box that states "Learn more about this lens from our sponsor". Your name will be listed as a clickable link that directs the user to the page you setup.
Have a look at this photo:
https://www.zeissimages.com/photo/500487 and you will see a crosslink in action.
You can also direct it to your store as well. Like in this photo:
Send us an email and we will get you set up!
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-27-23 12:53You can provide simple links to your profile with zessimages.com in the url to make it easy to share on other sites by simply prefixing with your username.
For example
will go directly to my profile page.
[b]Do NOT[/b] put https in the link as it will not pass the security test and throw a warning. You can use http which will redirect to https for you.
If you have a dot in your name, then just remove the dot. For example, a user name with john.doe would just be jondoe
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-27-23 10:57[pc][size=25][b]2023 Zeissimages Contest[/b][/size][/pc]
[pc] https://www.zeissimages.com/gallery/1/U1.1696547459.0.jpg
[/pc] [size=20]
We are pleased to announce the annual Zeissimages.com photography contest in collaboration with our sponsor Zeiss, photography division.
As in previous years, our contests begin in the fall and run through December so that the winner can enjoy their prize during the holiday seasons.
The contest is open to members of Zeissimages.com starting on Oct 4th 2023. If you are not currently a member, you can join for free.
This year there will be no specific theme in general. However, you could say we are looking for that "Wow!" factor. Whether it be landscape, portrait, street or studio. We are looking for that image that keeps you coming back to view over and over.
The winner may have their choice of the one lens from the following list which will be provided and shipped directly from our sponsor Zeiss.
[*]Zeiss Batis
[*]Zeiss Touit
[*]Zeiss Milvus
[*]Zeiss ZM (21mm f2.8, 25mm f2.8, 28mm f2.8, 35mm f2, 35mm f2.8, 50mm f1.5 or 50mm f2)
[pc][size=30][b]How to enter[/b][/size][/pc]
[size=20]Login and upload the photos into the category [b]Zeiss Contest 2023[/b]. You can select the category at the time you upload your photos or afterwards.
If you are not a member of Zeissimages.com, just click Register to sign up for free.
That's it.
[pc][b][size=30]The rules[/size][/b][/pc]
[*]The contest is open to any member of Zeissimages.com
[*]The entry does not have to be taken with a Zeiss lens.
[*]Entries must be taken with an SLR, DSLR, Rangefinder camera, TLR, Mirrorless etc ... or any other camera with interchangeable lenses.
[*]No cell phone entries.
[*]The entry must be placed into the [b]2023 Zeissimages Contest[/b] category.
[*]Once you submit your entries, they can be deleted or replaced up until the closing date.
[*]If for some reason you upload more than 3 images into the contest, all of your entries will be disqualified.
[*]These rules may change or have additional conditions.
[*]The winning photographer will allow the winning photograph to be used by Zeiss in promotions or social media posts.
[*]After the contest closes, the winning photograph must remain in the [b]2023 Zeissimages Contest[/b] category.
[*]Judging of the photographs may take into consideration the number of likes and comments a photo receives but it is not the deciding factor.
[*]A minimum number of entries (TBD) will be required before closing.
[*]Do not make changes to a photo after it has been submitted and the contest closes. Doing so will take them out of the contest category and you will miss the opportunity to have your photo judged.
[pc][b][size=25]View the entries here[/size][/b]
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-17-23 09:04Just submitted a photo story about Portland on Nikonimages.com
Have a look here
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-09-23 21:29If you wanted to style some of your messages, posts, comments etc, here are a few tips.
Place your text between
[b] for bold [/b]
[code] to display code block [/code]
[quote] to quote some text [/quote]
[i] for italics [/i]
[u] to underline [/u]
[s] to strike through [/s]
[pc] to center align text in a paragraph [/pc]
[pl] to left align text in a paragraph [/pl]
[pr] to right align text in a paragraph [/pr]
[size=18] to set the font size in pixels [/size]
[color=red] to set the font color [/color]
To show an unordered list like
• Ford
• Chevy
• Jeep
Use the following
[*] Ford
[*] Chevy
[*] Jeep
To Show an ordered list like
1 Ford
2 Chevy
3 Jeep
Use the following
[*] Ford
[*] Chevy
[*] Jeep
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-08-23 12:06Thats's right. Free classifieds for the time being. No fees. Take advantage and post your ads now. Time to sell some of that gear you don't use anymore.
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