JT wrote: 🕐 09-03-23 22:18Ever wanted to replace a photo with a better quality version of it or higher resolution without losing links, views, likes, comments etc... ? Well now you can. I added the ability to replace an image.
Simply click the edit options for the image and Follow the link under the "Replace image" option.
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-31-23 15:19Creating a story still lets you present your a photographic story using your photos from the gallery. The process is quite simple.
Go to your dashboard and click on [b]Manage stories[/b] from the Manage options menu on the left. Or, use the top menu under [b]Stories[/b].
If you do not have any stories started yet, you will get a message. Simply click on the [b]Add a new story[/b] button to create a story.
Give the story a title and some content in the form that you see. Then click on [b]Submit new story[/b].
Don't worry. Its not published yet.
Now add the photos you wish to include in your story by clicking on the [b]Add photos[/b] link on the manage your story page. Clicking on this link brings you into the familiar edit edit photo options you have already used before. All your photos will be displayed in order to assign them to stories. However, to minimize clutter, only the [b]Stories[/b] option is available. Your are simply selecting the pictures you wish to include in your story at this time.
Just make sure to click on [b]Apply edits[/b] under each photo to save your changes. If you want to make changes afterwards, just refresh the page.
Done adding photos to your story? Just click on [b]Manage stories[/b] from the top menu and you will be back at the basic story management menu.
You will now see [b]Edit photos[/b] link instead of the [b]Add photos[/b] link.
Click on it and from, there add the content you want to display for each photo, set the display order or remove photos from the story.
As you hover over each photo, the edit options will appear. Just make changes and click on [b]Submit edits[/b].
Use the [b]Display order[/b] field to set the order in which the photos appear. 1 would be at the top, followed by 2, etc ... If you messed up and want to stick another picture between 1 and 2, give it a display order of something like 1.5.
Also you can use any number values, you can start with 10, and increment to 20 or 25 ot whatever. Just remember the display order in the story is based on the numeric value you assign.
If you check the Publish checkbox, and apply changes, your story will be published and visible to others.
To view stories, simply click on [b]Stories[/b] from the top menu. Click on the title of a story to view the story.
Layout of the images on the story are balanced between left and right of the page. This is automatically done for you and you have no control over that.
Here is an example of a story on www.leicaimages.com .
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-14-23 13:25Yes. Very soon you will have the ability to create a story with your pictures. A photo essay with selected images to tell a story. What a great way to convey your scene or topic to others. These will be featured for all to see and read. Still working on functionality. But, hang tight.
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hyperfocal wrote: 🕐 08-03-23 13:54After logging in with the temporary password, I tried to figure out how to replace ir with a permanent one, but I was unsuccessful.
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hyperfocal wrote: 🕐 08-03-23 14:22Since only last 15 pages of my photos appeared in my gallery, I tried to post one , which I did, but then I noticed that it's already there. I tried to remove it, but couldn't find the trash icon.
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-04-23 08:30In an effort to keep the site specific, please delete any photos that may have been migrated by accident that are not specific to Zeiss gear.
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-01-23 08:05FAQ list.
[b]How do I set my background pictiure to a specific one?[/b]
Edit any of your pictures, and click on "Apply as background". The button is near the bottom. Now that picture will always be youi background image when someone views your profile.
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-01-23 07:41Just like Nikonimages and Leicaimages, I have brought www.Zeissimages.com back online on its own as well. Hope you enjoy.
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-01-23 07:37I just implemented a Message Board reminiscent of the old style bulletin boards where we can create messages that are open to replies and feedback. It's meant to be simple and to the point like the old days. No categories or overhead. Just simple messaging for everyone. Write what's on your mind, report a bug, request a feature. ask a question, share something new it doesn't matter. It's there for communicating with the community. Use the search feature if you are looking for something specific.
Access the message board from the top menu or https://www.nikonimages.com/gallerysoft/messageboard
JT 😊
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JT wrote: 🕐 07-31-23 23:42This should be the place to report bugs you encounter. I will get to them as soon as possible. Obvioulsy serious bugs get priority.
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JT wrote: 🕐 07-31-23 23:41Yes, As you can see, we are back to the old ways on Nikonimages.com.
The merging of sites was not a good idea and now Nikonimages.com is back from the dead.
I am Still in the process of cleaning up and removing non Nikon content so please be patient. I have made significant enhancementsto the site and fuctionality and there still is more to come.
Thanks JT
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JT wrote: 🕐 07-31-23 22:32I will be the first to admit it. The consolidation of the websites has failed miserably. It is painful for me to admit it, but I am a realist.
Members have made it clear they like the old niche private club of Leica owners with a dedicated website for them and a place to share their pictures. Having said that, I have brought Zeissimages.com back to life from the dead with a few jolts of lightning juice and lots of cursing to myself.
You will need to create a new password. Simply visit nikonimages.com and click on the Sign in link at the top and then when the form appears, click on Forgot password and your password will be reset.
Some things to keep in mind. ...
I have removed the forums software which rarely was used since most discussions on the site take place via photo comments.
I have removed most of the Non Zeiss related photos but some still linger. We will have to live with that.
Every now and then I will post interesting news and events on the home page.
Please be patient. This is a one man shop and I make mistakes in the code now and then. But, overall, its a unique site we all like.
Things are not perfect but we will get there. Zeissimages has been around for nearly 20 years and I am glad everyone here is a contributor to the site with their awesome photography. If this works, I will be hosting a new contest in celebration of renewed activity and participation once the zombies awaken again :)
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