Photo: Photo - 3000011 | By: bobriach | LENS MODEL NOT SET |
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Photo 3000011

Photo - 3000011


Member since: 2016-11-30
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Uploaded: 2023-10-04


I purchased my first camera 8 years ago. I immediately became absorbed in creating images.

The enjoyment and reward I gain from this are immeasurable.

I turned professional in 2015

My Images portray a personal vision, covering numerous subjects such as landscapes, cityscapes, architecture, wildlife and much more both in colour and monochrome.

I love night time photography and am always amazed at what the camera can capture in low light conditions.

I travel worldwide taking photographs.

I have always imagined a photograph to be like a jigsaw puzzle, you have to find the various pieces that fit together to create something visually pleasing. R

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